
Kita hanya mampu berusaha

Hanya Allah menentukannya
segalanya adalah milik-Nya
Dalam berusaha kita diuji
Kekadang tohmah kita dicaci
Diturutkan rasa hati ingin
dilepaskan beban ini...

Mujur ada teman membantu
Sokonganmu buat inspirasi
Berpeganglah pada janji
kita yang dibina

Semoga bersama kitakan dirahmati
...oh Teman...

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For thetime being,perasaan untuk menulis tu belum berkobar-kobar.InsyaAllah nanti akan di'update'kan kisah family ku sayang...
For intro,Abah on my right side,Ma on my left side,Yoe(my brother) at the back on my left side and Mer(the only adik I have) at the back on my right side(just between me and Abah).I miss you all so much that I never can express it by words.Only tears become my very loyal companion.Thanks to Allah for creating lacrimal glands to secrete tears.Subhanallah...

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1)     Know your LEARNING STYLE(S)

•  active learning techniques (depending on your learning style) such as:
            * Use flashcards
            * Practice turning visuals back into words
            * Practice turning words into a simple visual diagram
            * Record lectures on a cassette recorder and listen to
them later
            * Read your summarized notes to yourself or another person
            * Predict some possible test questions and write them out
            * Read your notes (silently) again and again

2)    Get ORGANIZED!
• 3-ring binders work well for keeping related materials together.  Get one for lecture and one for lab.
Organize your schedule(organizer)
Block your study time into your weekly schedule and make a commitment to not let other appointments interfere with it. 
• Good organizational habits are an excellent preparation for the documentation and record keeping you will need to do later as a medical professional.

3)     Make STUDYING a HABIT
• Study first, play later.  Make study time a priority in your schedule.(but works all day make Jack a dull boy right? 
• Block out regular times in your schedule to study.
• Wisely choose a quiet study area like the library rather than the cafeteria.
• Make studying part of your daily routine by always going to the same place at the same time.  After doing this for a few weeks, it will become a habit and you will do it almost automatically!

CRAMMING leads to failure.  You are guaranteed to never understand anything and always be frustrated, so don’t do it. 
Nothing determines success greater than “time on task”.  Constant repetition is the key to better learning.  If you are busy working and going to school, your challenge is to become an expert time manager.   
Skimming your notes will not be sufficient for succeeding in most science courses.     
Studying multiple times in short bursts is far better than cramming and leads to          greater retention of the material. 
We all waste lots of time doing nothing during our day.  For example, consider the time wasted standing in line.  Instead of waiting, pull out your flashcards to review terms.  That is turning this “down time” into valuable study time.  Do you have an hour break between classes?  Go to the library and study during that time. 
• Come to class early to review the previous day’s material.

5)     Consider forming a STUDY GROUP
• Keep the group small - 3 or 4 students at most - or it will turn into a social club. 
• Major benefit #1:  Finding out what you already know and what you do not know.
• Major benefit #2:  Explaining a concept to another person is a good way to process key concepts and make them your own.
• Major benefit #3:  By working with another person you can keep each other motivated. 

6)   Get TUTORING help
• Always go to your lecture/lab instructor first to clarify anything you do not understand.  It is also a good place to study or review educational materials (models, slides, handouts) from your lab.  You can also work on computers and the internet.

7)Use FLASHCARDS to reinforce key terms and ideas
• Purchase some blank 3” x 5” cards from the store and creatively make your own flashcards.  They might have a term on one side and the definition on the other.  Another idea would be to have a picture of something on one side and the key features or ways to identify it on the reverse side.
• Good flashcards allow for better mastery of the material through constant reinforcement.     

8)   Study the TEXTBOOK and SUPPLEMENTS effectively.
• You have an excellent textbook and many good ancillary materials available to you.  If used properly, they can help you succeed.
• Do NOT try to memorize all the material in the textbook.  This is a very ineffective way to study.
• When starting a new chapter, first get an overview of the key topics by skimming through all the headings.  Next, begin looking at the graphics and the key ideas they convey.  Next, read the introductory and closing sentences for each major section in the chapter.  Then and only then, begin to read in detail.
• Do not get frustrated if you don’t understand everything the first time through (you are not expected to!)
• Reading a science textbook is not like reading a novel.  Reading a concept or key idea multiple times is often necessary to grasp complex concepts. 

9)    Take better NOTES
Taking good notes in lecture and lab is critical to success but it is a skill that only comes with lots of practice.
Bad note-taking (the two extremes):
            -  trying to write down every word the teacher says
          -  going for long periods without writing down anything
Good note taking is:
- listening, summarizing, and putting things in your own words.
- using your own short-hand with abbreviations for things.
- leaving space in the margin to summarize the main points later.
- detailed and specific.

10) MOTIVATE yourself!
• It’s a simple fact:  you need lots of motivation to be a good student.
A bad attitude is a barrier to learning.  Check your attitude before walking into class.  Learn to value learning for learning’s sake.  If nothing else, more information makes you a much better conversationalist at social gatherings!   
Nothing that comes easily in life is very worthwhile.  You will get out of your education exactly what you put into it.  So, what are you willing to put into it? 
• Get support from friends, family members, and significant others.  Have them help you study or support you in other ways like helping out more around the house, cooking meals, taking care of the kids, or freeing you from family chores.
• Develop a reward system for yourself.  After a good study session, take a short break, talk to a friend, listen to some music, or enjoy a cup of coffee.
• Find a study buddy and have a fun competition to see who gets the higher score.  Perhaps the one with the higher grade at the end of the semester takes the other out to dinner at a nice restaurant.
• Make your study relevant (even if the teacher doesn’t).  Are either you, a friend or a family member suffering from a medical disorder?  Make it your personal mission to understand this disease in greater depth.
Medical professionals should know MORE than the minimum.  Do you want to be a real professional or a student who just barely passed the required courses?
• Remind yourself that understanding how the human body works is probably the most vital thing that any medical professional needs to know.  Most everything else in your program will be an application of this knowledge.  This should motivate you to MASTER the material rather than to just pass the course.    

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T.E.M.A.N @ S.A.H.AB.A.T @ K.A.W.A.N

sesungguhnya,SELEMAH-LEMAH ukhuwah ialah BERLAPANG DADA...

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ad-din an-nasihat

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assalamualaikum wbt...

huhu..dah lame menyepi.xde entry.bkn xde bnda nk tulis tp biasa la bila malas...huhu..ari ni rs nk berkongsi experience dealing with my mom which is an HCV patient.i supposed she WAS because current blood test shows negativity of the virus load..alhamdulillah,thanks to the Almighty God,she's now has just ended the terribly 'awesome' treatment..

at first i would like to share with u readers how she got infected with the evil virus.according to the medical history(i guess),before the year of 1992,there was no tools for blood screening.well,for now,thanks to the inventors,the instrument has been developed but sure,there's nothing in the world guaranteed 100% free from any risk.i mean,for now,before any blood transfusion is done,an agreement  between the doctor and the patient MUST be signed so as the patient should not condemn  the doctor of any diseases transfered from the blood although blood screening has been done.i'm saying this because i saw the certificates every time before my mom receives blood transfusion. 

sorry la xtau nk susun sentences.terabur.hope u guys understand what i'm trying to convey.
well,treatment for HCV patient is nearly the same with HBV patient....and also HIV patient(in some circumstances)..the gastroenterologist prescribed her with ribavirin(which is the one who should be accused for the very severe side effect instead of his brother) and pegasys(injected pegylated alfa-2-interferon) medical students,i supposed all of u should know this.kind of new interventions.kinda.....

inspite of my family's expectations that my mom's conditions should be better,the were actually a bit upset of the adverse effect.not a bit,it's lots...nausea,vomiting,severely anaemic,chills,u know those are intolerable not only by the patient but to the contacts too.i don't think that any of us would bear to confront them.that's is why it's very important to believe in God.remember the last verse of surah al-baqarah?understand them.then,i think no one would ever keep asking the God,"why me?why me?"keep strong my brother.gather your strength. believe in Him.then worries no more.He knows well.
after 16 injections,the doctor decided to stop the treatment because the viral load diminishes in quantity.i was so happy when i saw the result stated "NOT DETECTED"...alhamdulillah..praise to worries lessen..hurm..guys,i guess i 'have' to stop by now due to my 'malas' pics for the virus.u can search for it.oh before i forgot,not many patients are detected having this virus in their blood.accidental blood examination may reveal the,to get general health examination frequently,IS IMPORTANT ENOUGH!...
forget my advise not!!!

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a cup of comfort...

there are times in all of our lives,when we need and seek for help.times when we feel that there is no one to turn to,just when we need someone most.being so confused,so terribly alone,that life doesn't seems  worth living anymore.that even if there was someone there,they wouldn't understand anyway.everything seems hopeless,without purpose,we grope around in the dark,trying to find an end to it.trying to find something that might give meaning to life again,but there seems to be nothing in the in the darkness,nothing but an empty space,with no sides,no ceiling and no bottom. 
seek for the time when you found nobody around to give the remedy for you,seek for Allah.He's always there.He who never leave or forget us.too little we thanked for Him.then you'll know how it seems to be life's way of forming you.
deliver the hurt,so much pain you feel that you'll cannot bear to accept turns,take you again.when you come back,you'll understand more.
we can never question the hand of fate,accept it as a"test".

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bebaskah kita drpd babi?

adakah kita bebas drpd haiwan ini?

pasti?bukan sahaja dlm makanan,tetapi juga barangan kita.
anda pasti?

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KFC,sama ada nak ataupun xnak...

mat saleh ni pun xnak makan ayam yg cacat,kita?
sesungguhnya,akhlak yg baik itu asalnya drpd mknn yg baik...
sama2lah kita mengingatkan...

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belum sedarkah kita atau sengaja buat2 x sedar?


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E kod syubhah(diragui) dan haram dalam makanan

Jika ditemukan kod-kod berikut ini dalam produk yang akan kita beli, maka hendaknya dihindari kerana produk dengan kod-kod tersebut dibawah ini mengandungi unsur-unsur babi dan bahan beracun E100, E110, E120(kumbang Cochineal), E140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252,E270, E280, E325,E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433,E434, E435, E436, E440,E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475,E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483,E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542,E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.

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tazkirah pagi ini...

1)Hadith : Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:”Seluruh amal manusia dihadapkan kepada Allah S.W.T dalam sejumaat (seminggu) dua kali. Iaitu pada hari Isnin dan Khamis. Maka diampuni Allah dosa setiap hamba-Nya yang mukmin kecuali orang yang bermusuhan. Maka dikatakan:”Tinggalkanlah kedua orang ini dahulu sampai mereka berdamai.” (Muslim)

2)Riwayat Abu Hurairah bermaksud "Kekasihku Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam telah berwasiat kepadaku tiga perkara,aku tidak meninggalkannya.iaitu; supaya aku tidak tidur melainkan setelah mengerjakan witir,dan supaya aku tidak meninggalkan dua rakaat sembahyang dhuha kerana ia adalah sunat awwabin,dan berpuasa tiga hari daripada tiap-tiap bulan..(hadith riwayat Al Bukhari dan Muslim)

3)Rasullullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam pernah bersabda yang maksudnya : " Pada tiap-tiap pagi lazimkanlah atas tiap-tiap ruas anggota seseorang kamu bersedekah; tiap-tiap tahlil satu sedekah, tiap-tiap takbir satu sedekah, menyuruh berbuat baik satu sedekah, dan cukuplah ( sebagai ganti ) yang demikian itu dengan mengerjakan dua rakaat sembahyang Dhuha ." ( Hadis riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim ) 

4)Setiap jiwa yang berada dalam perjuangan takkan mengenal istilah tekanan..takkan megenal istilah ugutan..takkan mengenal istilah kesakitan..mereka berada dalam penuh kesyukuran..tetapi hati mereka terubat dengan janji2 Allah..menjanjikn hamba yang utuh berjuang dengan balasan syurga..Inilah janjinya yang benar..Bekerjalah Untuk ISLAM.. Al-Imam Hasan Al-Hudaibi berkata "Aku tidak memaksa seseorang bersikap tegas dan berani serta mengikut pendirianku.Tetapi aku mengingatkanmu bahawa sesungguhnya dakwah Islam tidak pernah tertegak walaupun sehari dengan orang2 yang mengambil sikap bertolak ansur"

5)Imam Muslim meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Tidaklah salah seorang diantara kalian yang duduk menunggu solat, selama ia berada dalam keadaan suci, kecuali para malaikat akan mendoakannya; 'Ya Allah, ampunilah ia. Ya Allah sayangilah ia'" (Shahih Muslim no. 469)

6)Rasulullah saw. Bersabda bermaksud: "Tidak boleh iri hati melainkan dalam dua perkara iaitu: Seseorang yang telah dikurniakan Allah harta lalu dibelanjakan hartanya itu kejalan yang benar (yang diredhai oleh Allah) dan orang yang dikurniakan oleh Allah ilmu pengetahuan, lalu ia mengeluarkan sesuatu hukum berpandukan ilmunya (al-Quran dan Hadith) serta diajarkannya pula kepada orang lain". Riwayat Hadith al-Bukhari 

7)wahai sahabatku,kalau hari ini kamu kehilangan harta,itu bererti satu kehilangan yang sedikit,jika hari ini kamu kehilangan sahabat,itu bererti kehilangan yang banyak,INGAT jika hari ini kamu kehilangan Akhlak yang terpuji,itulah kehilangan yang hakiki...Imam Syafie R.A

8)Segembira manapun kita didunia ini, kita belum tahu nasibnya diakhirat nanti..Selama mana pun kita rasai hidup ini, pastinya ajal akan menemui diri..Sebahagia manapun jiwa, dugaan akan juga melanda..Kerna hidup kita ibarat matahari dan bulan, adakalanya akan kelihatan, kemudian hilang dari pandangan..Tiada yg kekal didunia ini, walaupun segenggam bahagia dan secubit derita sekalipun.

9)Hadith : Dari Aisyah r.a katanya:”Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda orang (mukmin) yang mahir membaca al-Quran, maka kedudukannya di akhirat ditemani para malaikat yang mulia. Dan orang yang membaca al-Quran padahal dia gagap sehingga sulit baginya membaca, maka dia mendapat pahala ganda.” (Muslim)

10)Pesanan Luqmanul Hakim kepada anaknya Hai anakku; janganlah engkau langsung menelan sahaja kerana manisnya barang dan janganlah langsung memuntahkan saja pahitnya sesuatu barang itu, kerana manis belum tentu menimbulkan kesegaran dan pahit itu belum tentu menimbulkan kesengsaraan. Hai anakku; bilamana engkau mahu mencari kawan sejati, maka ujilah terlebih dahulu dengan berpura pura membuat dia marah. Bilamana dalam kemarahan itu dia masih berusaha menginsafkan kamu,maka bolehlah engkau mengambil dia sebagai kawan. Bila tidak demikian, maka berhati hatilah. Hai anakku; bila engkau berteman, tempatkanlah dirimu padanyasebagai orang yang tidak mengharapkan sesuatu daripadanya. Namun biarkanlah dia yang mengharapkan sesuatu darimu

11)Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda maksudnya, “Setiap mata akan menangis pada hari kiamat kecuali mata yang menutup dari melihat sesuatu yang haram, mata yang berjalan malam dalam jihad pada jalan Allah dan mata yang menitiskan air mata sekali pun sebesar kepala lalat kerana takutkan Allah.” (H.R Abu Naim) 

12)sabda baginda S.A.W : "ssiapa yg brslawat pdku 1x, Allah S.W.T akn brselawat pdnya 10x, dan siapa yg brselawat padaku 10x mka Allah S.W.T akn berselawat pdnya 100x,dan sesiapa berselawat padaku 100x, mka Allah S.W.T akn selapwat padanya 1000x, dan brgsiapa yg berselawat pdku 1000x, selamatlah drp sentuhan api neraka. (Hadis riwayat Al-Tabari) 

13)Masinnya air laut tak mampu menyerap ke dalam isi ikan.. tetapi bila ikan sudah mati, secubit garam pun sudah cukup untuk memasinkannya... begitulah juga hati, hati yang hidup sangat sukar dinodai tetapi bila hati telah mati, mudahnya dipengaruhi.. Semoga Allah sentiasa memelihara hati kita.. Hati yang dipilih Allah un...tuk mendapat hidayahNya sudah tentu hati yang menyesali akan dosa2nya...sama2lah kita renung2kan.. 

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sekadar pandangan.....

Adakalanya kerjaya hebat dan kemewahan membuat diri kita gah dipandangan insan..Ilmu dan kebijaksanaan membuat diri merasa lebih hebat drp org lain..Hingga sukar menerima nasihat dan pandangan yg lain..Keegoan nafsu melebihi Iman dihati, hingga merasakan segala2nya adalah drp diri, hingga lupa pada Pemberi..

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i really don't know what to say...

salam sume...
emm..xtau nk ckp apa atau mcm ne...
xtau rasa apa..ya Allah bantulah aku...kuatkan lah aku...

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sayyidul ayyam

Dalam hadis Anas ra,Sabda Nabi SAW: " Jibril datang kepadaku ditangannya membawa kaca putih dan katanya, " inilah solat Jumaat yg telah diwajibkan oleh Tuhanmu agar menjadi hari raya bagi kamu dan segenap umatmu sepeninggalanmu."  Aku bertanya,"Apakah yg ada pada kami di situ?" Jibril menjawab, "Untuk kamu ada masa dimana jika orang memanjatkan doa memohon suatu kebaikan, jika telah diberikan untuknya, maka Dia akan memberikannya dan jika telah diberikan untuknya, maka ALLAH akan menyimpan saja untknya atau bila dia mohon perlindungan dari keburukan yg telah tertulis untuknya, maka ALLAH akan melindunginya dari yg lebih besar daripada itu..Itulah SAIYDATUL AYYAM bagi kita dan kita akan memohon kepadaNYA diakhirat nanti hari tambahan."  Aku berkata, "dan kerana Dia berfirman, " Sesungguhnya TUHANmu telah menjadikan Syurga telaga yg lebih wangi daripada misik putih. Manakala pada hari Jumaat, ALLAH SWT turun dari 'illiyin di atas KursiNya, menampakkan kepada mereka sehingga mereka boleh memandang kpada wajahNYA yg mulia."  YA DZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM, bersihkan hati2 kami, dekatkan kami padaMU, Kuatkan peribadi kami,kabulkan permohonan kami,lepaskan kami dari kesusahan,khusyukkan kami  tika kami bngun berdiri dihadapanMU..temukan lagi kami dengan HARI JUMAAT

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astaghfirullahal azim

Ramai yang berkata: "Aku tidak mampu nak berdakwah lagi, kerana aku bukannya orang baik pun." Sepatutnya anda perlu menyahut kata2 ini "أصلحْ نفسك وادعُ غيرك" (Perbaikilah diri kamu dan dakwahlah orang lain)... Sila buktikan kepada saya bilakah tarikh & waktu anda akan menjadi baik? Saya bimbang... belum pun sempat kita berada di tarikh yang dirancangkan, tiba2 rumah yang mempunyai dua tiang sudah menjadi milik kita..
erm.. me..: Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang sentiasa beristighfar maka Allah akan menjadikan baginya setiap kesusahan itu ada jalan keluar dan pada setiap kesempitan ada cara mengatasinya serta memberikan rezeki kepadanya daripada sumber yang tidak disangka-sangka.” -Riwayat Abu Daud. Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri sentiasa beristighfar lebih 70 kali setiap hari sedangkan baginda merupakan seorang rasul yang maksum atau dipelihara daripada dosa besar dan kecil. kita pula bagaimana? 

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la tunsa zikrullah...

Ibnu al-Qayyim al-Jauziyah pernah berkata: "Tidak dimungkiri bahawa hati itu dapat berkarat seperti berkaratnya besi dan perak. Alat yang dapat membersihkan hati berkarat adalah zikir. Zikir dapat membersihkan hati berkarat sehingga dapat berubah menjadi bening seperti cermin yang bersih. Apabila seseorang meninggalkan zikir, hatinya akan berkarat. Dan apabila ia berzikir, hatinya akan bersih 

Bila hati tenggelam dlm dosa, pasti ia terus lemas dan mati..Jangan biarkan hati mati dgn sebab itu kerana jasad yg sihat takkanberguna andai hatinya mati..ibarat tin kosong tanpa isinya..Isikanlah ia dgn zikrullah dan selawat Rasulullah, kerana itulah penyinar hati dikala hati kelam, penenang jasad dan jiwa dikala gelisah..pengukir senyuman dikala hati sedih dan kecewa~ia lah teman terbaik dikala hatimu sunyi dan sepi~ 

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sahabat ke kawan?

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w..Daripada Ibnu Abbas Abdullah bin ‘Amri Ibni ‘As menceritakan bahawa ditanyakan kepada Rasulllah (s.a.w.) “siapakah kawan yang baik untuk kami dekati mereka? Lalu sabdanya: Sebaik baik kawan kamu itu ialah mereka yang akan mengingatkan kamu kepada Allah (s.w.t.) bila melihatnya dan menambahkan ilmu kamu oleh percakapannya serta menyemarakkan semangat kamu bersedia bekalan untuk akhirat(Tarmizi) 

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Marilah sahabat semua kita refleksi diri kita, setinggi manakah CINTA kita kepada si DIA, si DIA yang sentiasa di sisi tanpa pernah mengenal erti jemu, sentiasa membelai diri dengan penuh kasih sayang malah mengurniakan sang udara tanpa meminta balasannya. Menginginkan untuk bertemu janji (date) lima kali sehari tanpa rasa bosan ,jika kita terlambat si DIA masih menanti dengan penuh kesabaran dan kasih sayang. Sekiranya kita terlupa akan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang kekasih, DIA tidak pernah menutup pintu hati NYA untuk kita kembali kepadaNYA, DIA lah yang selalu ada, sentiasa dekat, lebih dekat dari urat kita, yang sentiasa memerhati di kala kita senang apatah lagi di kala kesusahan. Cukupkah kita mengingati dan menyayangi dan paling utama men CINTAI si DIA?

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am i a L.O.O.S.E.R?

pernah x anda blurr kt ats stage msa contest pape?hurm..i experienced it once.waa...mahal tau pengalaman tu.sgt mahal..x ternilai.not everyone feels it.fear factor...xde org nk kn bnda ni happen in their lifetime.well,satu nasihat drp sy,jgn cuba bnda ni scra sengaja.i did it unintentionally.
okay.story nye mcm ni,msa sy was schooling kat MRSM Kuala Lipis(Kole Lepih) dulu,i was da presenter dlm elocution contest(pidato B.I).tuk peringkat zon.msa form 2 and form 3.msa sy form 2,MRSMKL termasuk dlm zon,among da MRSM time tu ialah MRSM Jeli(sbg tuan rumah),MRSM Pasir Tumboh,MRSM Kuala Krai and few more MRSMs yg sy x igt.
pepun,sblm lg pnjg crta,thanks a lot to Sir Vernon Daim utk sgla tnjuk ajar and be patient enough for all my "karenah".
msa form 2 tu, i did it well except yg part spontaneous tu,i failed coz sy x dgr ckp Sir Vern.he told me so many times tuk bt script awl2 tp disebabkn kedegilan sy yg x bertempat lgsg,and plus mlas plus ntah pape je confident msa tu,i ckp kt sir yg i can create the script spontaneously msa kt atas stage nti.waa..bodoh sombong btul la aizum ni(skrg bru nk nyesal kn).pas hbs part spontaneous tu,i turun stage n cried so much..thanks a lot Azirah,Sir Vern and Fuad Deen sbb comfort me time a result, i dpt la wat blk trofi for 1st runner up(2nd place)..ish nyesal tul..blk kampung,kna la bebel ngn Abah plak...
and msa form 3,i amik la lessons drpd peristiwa tahun lepas tu,i was ready for the contest.Sir Vern pn dh letak all his trust on pn dh agk confident tp berdebar2 gk coz msa tu bertanding peringkat zon barat.sume MRSM hebat2 msa tu.MRSM Kuching pn ada and their presenter was a girl,form 2,i can't remember her name.dia first place peringkat kebangsaan tahun sblm msa tu sy confident tau yg sy akn dpt bt yg terbaek.
but u know what guys,i was really(10 times) ashamed.lpas i bid good morning je,i was blurred.i can't remember even a single word from my script yg sy dh berlatih so many2 times.i apologized kat audience then i turun stage with my face basah ngn xtau knp bley jd smpi mcm yg pasti, i tgk tau muka budak MRSM Kuching tu msa sy naik kt ats stage.i terus blurred walaupn msa tu x berdebar lgsg.maybe i was so scared.
sume audience tgk sy trun dr stage and of course,terkejut la kn.ada judge yg dtg tnya Sir Vern either sy nk try another time or not but trust me guys,i can't remember the script anymore after that.i surrendered dgn rela hatinya.Sir Vern,i'm so tau sy dh byk kali mntak rsnya msih blum mpu nk compensate ngn all ur effort.u r so sweet Mr.Vern.sume my friends cuba men'comfort'kn sy.i really appreciated that.thanks my friends.
to Sir Vern,wlaupn peristiwa ni dh lma jadik,but i hope someone much better than me has compensated my i a looser?can u feel what i felt?

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fatirah bil beid wa kari

assalamualaikum..sobah alful..
tau x knp soba alful(selamat pagi)?sebab mknn ni tuk bley je klu nk bt mkn tengahari ke apa.bisa diatur bak..
roti canai telur dgn kuah xtau apa kari dlm bhsa arab.hehee...
fatirah=roti canai
ok..sng je..fatirah tu bli je kt kdai roti ye..ikut rasa msg2,klu nk mkn byk atau rmai2,bli yg besar mcm tayar lori tu.klu nk kn sorg2 ke,bli yg kecik tu segenih yg tu pn dh kenyang sgt.kari tu klu xtau nk bt,google sndri la ye.
ok..fatirah tu ptong tgh2,pastu masukkn telur yg telah dipukul(mcm nk bt telur dadar)..sementara tu pnaskn mentega dlm kuali.pastu goreng fatirah bertelur td ye smpi msak.pastu mkn la ngn kari tu.sedap.....
ni resepi amirah ye..cuba la..digalakkn tuk student2 mesir je ye..selamat mencuba....

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hello pals!ari ni sy nk crta sal meon,my beloved family's beloved kucing..kat ats ni pic meon msa bujang lg.rileks je hdup die.xyah nk risau pape except rsau kna cri spouse sndri coz ktrg bela die sekor je.meon tu wlaupn nmanye jantan,tp tuannya a 'girl'.
my family syg sgt kt die ni sebab nye:
1.adeq sy yg bwk balik(well,i only have 1 adeq)
2.meon ni cerdik sebab she was born at school(buang air dlm toilet since first she was taken home by my adeq n x sneak out any fish yg my mom 'sembelih' without our consent..hahaha)
3.meon ni blue eyed(keturunan kucing mat saleh kot)
4.ktrg dh lme x bela kucing after our late kucing meninggal(accident n everyone telah menumpahkan tears) rs sbb2 ni je kot ktrg syg meon msa die still bujang.after this,i'll describe more reasons why ktrg syg die even more after she'd become a mother.
meon ni was taken home by my brother mse die kcik pn x sure bape umur si meon tu msa tu.adeq sy kte mse die nk bwak blk tu,rmai sgt yg 'fall in love' dgn meon including lecturer dia.berebut2.but at last,adeq sy ni berjaya men'culik' si meon ni n he got home immediately.dia ride mtor la msa tu.then mse stop kt traffic light,meon mengiau smpi pakcik yg sebelah mtor dia tgk semacam,kononnya culik baby la btul la,culik baby kucing(kitten anyway).
everyone started to love meon the first day it was home.die mkn friskies je mse tu.since we have no baby at home,meon becomes part of our family.mse meon skt,everyone got worried.even my father u know.meon was so ill till ktrg served die ngn ikan kerapu masak merah pn die x layan.igtkn meon dh x sempat nk beraya tp alhamdulillah she recovers mse ari raya.
sian sgt meon mse ari raya sbb mse tu kn rmai org dtg umah n she recognized,she isolated herself in the room.keep sleeping alomost the whole day.poor her.nk mkn pn terpksa berhati2 fear of got caught by the naughty little kids(my cousins).
ok.tanak la crta pn dh start bosan.ok..meon pn managed to get a spouse wrna kuning.btw,pembaca2 sekalian tau ke yg kt sebelah east sna,diorg mewrnakan kucing ikut creativity msg2?figure it out.mmgla at the end kucing2 tu nmpk comel tp aniaya kucing tu.sian.....
ok..then after about 3 months ke? mcm tu la kot meon pn beranak la.3ekor.juz like my siblings.2 brothers and 1 sister.and perangai anak2 die pn mcm ktrg gk tau.yg bongsu tu,my mom crta sebijik perangai adeq sy.nakal.yg 2nd one tu,mcm sy la perangai except that die x reti la nk bt household chores pe sume kn(mcm la aku ni rajin sgt..huhuhu) rs ni lakot sb ktrg bertambah syg kt meon after she becomes a meon xtau nk didik anak die berak dlm toilet juz like she did.below is the 'gambarajah' meon and all of her three buah ati..
abg sy syg sgt kt diorg sume ni.bile adeq ktrg msuk bljar,my parents ugut nk buang diorg coz nakal sgt.abg sy apa lg "objection! abah".abg sy syg sgt sb tiap kali dia nk gi keja or balik keja,dia akn kiss sekor2(along,angah,achik) and diorg tu sume akn sambut abg sy whenever dia balik keja.sweet je kan3x?yoe,aku jeles!yime adeq ktrg blk cuti,xde plak kucing2 tu bt mcm tu..huhu..poor u Mer!

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manisnya air mata...

Air Mata Nabi Adam
Tahukah saudara semenjak Nabi Adam terkeluar dari syurga akibat tipu daya
iblis, beliau menangis selama 300 tahun. Nabi Adam tidak mengangkat
kepalanya ke langit kerana terlampau malu kepada Allah swt.

Beliau sujud di atas gunung selama seratus tahun. Kemudian menangis lagi
sehingga air matanya mengalir di jurang Serantip. Dari air mata Nabi Adam
itu Allah tumbuhkan pohon kayu manis dan pokok cengkih. Beberapa ekor
burung telah meminum air mata beliau. Burung itu berkata, "Sedap sungguh
air ini."

Nabi Adam terdengar kata-kata burung tersebut. Beliau menyangka burung
itu sengaja mengejeknya kerana perbuatan derhakanya kepada Allah. Ini
membuatkan Nabi Adam semakin hebat menangis.
Aryana Ariffin: Akhirnya Allah telah
menyampaikan wahyu yang bermaksud, "Hai Adam, sesungguhnya aku belum pernah menciptakan air minum yang lebih lazat dan hebat dari air mata taubatmu itu."
Aryana Ariffin: Akhirnya Allah telah
menyampaikan wahyu yang bermaksud, "Hai Adam, sesungguhnya aku belum pernah menciptakan air minum yang lebih lazat dan hebat dari air mata taubatmu itu."

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ucaplah Alhamdulillah

setiap takdir adalah ujian, berusahalah menjadi hamba yang sentiasa mencari hikmah pada setiap kejadian. usah ditanya “mengapa” kerana jawapannya telah ada.. cuma masanya belum tiba. phonlah pada Allah diberi kekuatan bagi menangani ujian dan dugaan kerana Allah tidak membebankan hambaNYA dengan ujian yang tak mampu ditangunggnya..kerana apa? kerana SAYANG dan KASIH Allah tiada batasnya.. Ucaplah alhamdulillah atas segala kurniaan Allah... 

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merriment is the best medicine.i wonder all of us have heard this phrase.nice isn't?laughter makes us happy,healthy,feel good.semakin canggih dunia,semakin ramai peasakit dan semakin byk jnis penyakit and people even use penyakit as biological weapons.x main dah perang2,zaman kuno tu.american do u realize that the taxes that u pay.....(outlandish;try to figure them out)..we here laughing, Palestinians there are could they become healthy without merriment as we do?ponder...
actually i juz wanna share the phrase.not more than to remember all of us that there are people outside there who are suffering meanwhile we here enjoying things that sometimes we don't even need it.knock out!
cherish urself before u could cherish others.ok friends.see u in the next episode..


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a name called friend

at 5,i was sent to school.i love meeting people especially girls since i am the only girl at home.having friends are the nicest thing in life especially when there is a person we mention as "best friend".having same dreams,sharing thoughts,comforting each other,run together...people describe these as things best friends do together.losing them,u almost ruined.hiding problems,feeling unsatisfied are among the things i hatred most.almost 5 years suffering of these silly things surely sometimes drove me crazy.being a person who dislike to story much 'bout this,i end it blindly okay..don't get mad of me.i'm writing to dedicate a warm welcome back to my old,now,and forever friend,aisyah.thanks for always remembering me.thanks for the 'return'..i've been longing this for too long...thanks...

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peach cobbler

halloooo hallooooo halooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.........................
how's there?dah lame ek kamooo sume menunggu new recipe?
ha!kali ni recipe ni dh rmai yg buat..juz nk share...
i got this recipe from amy...tenx dear...
p/s:she'd done it thousands of time.and she made tried twice..first try,urm..not so good but still da same taste as amy's..2nd trial,nearly made me upset but at least,the look is even better(da taste of course la,no one can challenge me(definitely!)...p/s:to poh,hope dat u'll not get mad)..for a person like me(not so fond in trying),da 2nd trial,it has somehow encouraged me for da 3rd trial)...
ok..let's not get bored with 'my tok wan's bebelan'...:-)
ni tuk 1 adunan tau..amy said she usually use 2 "adunans"..
make sure u have all these items below before u get excited to try on it okay..and u r advised to bake it in TEFAL@sewaktu dgnnya...jnis yg non-sticky la ye...
1.tepung(1 cawan)
2.gula(3/4---halus dikisar)
3.susu(1 cawan)
4.marjerin(1 cawan)
5.baking powder(1 1/2 sudu besar)

sume ingredients 1-5,u mix them altogether.then bak kata amy,kacau till xde butir2 die tu ok..but for me,to ease the 'burden',i juz put them all in the blender then u blend la..u know klu nk bt all this things,u have to have patience like amy,not like me...
hehe...after u 'blend' them,heat marjerin tu dlm TEFAL till tey all melt.pastu masukkan bhan2 yg di'blend' td..afterwards,trim peach tu cantik2 then tabur comel2 kat ats adunan yg telah dimasukkan tadi.don't forget to campur skit air peach tu ye as to make sure yg 'peach cobbler' u rs peach ye tuan2 dan puan2..
last but not least,sprinkle cinnamon powder tu.depends on lidah msg2 ye..klu u ska cinnamon byk,then ltak byk2.but my suggestion,don't put too much la plus klu lpas tu u minum air cappucino berperisa cinnamon..hahaha...xlawak pon aizum oi...
pastu sabo je la menunggu kemasakan peach cobbler tu sambil buat air teh camomile..hehe...
ok..dh siap..lpas siap,taste dlu ye b4 u nk hidangkn kt tetamu..nti ble my peach cobbler dh jd mcm amy's,i upload another pic 4 ur 'guidance' k..hepi trying!!!!!!!

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