1. be a LEADER not a DICTATOR
  2. RECOGNIZE people for their accomplishments individually and publicly
  3. NEVER chew out team member publicly
  4. don't allow SLACKERS!!!
  5. keep lines of COMMUNICATION open
  6. actively solicit IDEAS
  7. REWARD people
  8. use HUMOR but don't make fun of them
  9. ROTATE some responsibilities
  10. BAR NEGATIVITY---eliminating irritants

-end of entries today-.........
wish me luck for my OSPE tomorrow

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apa yang penting?...KERJASAMA...

haha..selalu orang akan jawab macam ni la kan..tapi tau x apa sebenarnya yang membina sebuah TEAM tu?
memangla kena ada orang and a leader of course.tapi kan nak bina A SUCCESSFUL TEAM,bukan mudah dan sebenarnya bukan payah pun..cuma nak @ tak nak je..

nak bekerja dengan gembira?kena ada apa?nak bagi rumah kukuh,kena ada tiang..nak bagi bumi kuat,kena ada pasaknya e.g bukit,gunung-ganang..nak bagi agama Islam kukuh,solat 5 waktu..nak bagi TEAM kuat?kena ada tiang jugak la..tiang TEAM?kelakar..kena buat tiang eh?pikir logik, dari segi bahasa,TEAM adalah subjektif.tiang adalah objektif.betul ke?huhu...

anyway, ni adalah 5 pillars for a TEAMWORK:

skills needed for a TEAMWORK:
  1. LISTENING---very important to listen to other people's're not the one who always right.there's no what's so called MR.PERFECT
  2. QUESTIONING- malu bertanya sesat jalan..nanti orang bagi arahan lain,buat lain...dengar x serupa bikin daa..
  3. PERSUADING---well,bukan mengampu ye..dan jugak bukan merajuk ye...
  4. RESPECTING---walau ketua anda seorang yang jauh lebih muda atau sebaya dengan anda,terima la hakikat Allah bagi kelebihan kat dia kat situ,kita kat lain..masing-masing ada special masing-masing..betul x?
  5. HELPING---ringan sama dijinjing,berat kau pikul sorang...???ngeh3...
  6. SHARING is I'm doing right now,sharing information..hehe...
  7. PARTICIPATING---orang zaman sekarang... (cantap2 je lebih tapi idea?kosong...)

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Community Medicine corner

Sebelum round Comm Med nak berlalu meninggalkan aku yang masih di sini, nak share little part that I considered them very interesting among all the parts I've learned. Comm Med taught me lots of things that actually we always practiced it in life. I don't know why some students thought it such a bored subject. honestly,it's fun!
so, here are some of the knowledge that I can share with you guys. study them well!!!good luck!

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

doctor kat Department Comm Med Univ Ain Shams ajar 2 peringkat tau dalam hierarchy ni which are Deficiency part and Growth part. actually dah search hierarchy yg macam dalam buku Comm Med tapi xde la..huhu..nak buat,hehe...m@l@s...
ok..doktor kitorang ajar yg part Deficiency tu lower four dalam hierarchy tu which are:
a. physiological needs needs needs
d.esteem needs

yang upper 4 dalam Growth part pulak:
i. cognitive needs
ii. aesthetic needs
iii. self-actualization
iv. self- transcendence

selagi kita x fulfill yang lower 4 tu, memang kita xkan capai next stage. kita kena ada semua elemen Deficiency dulu baru boleh Grow. semua yang 4 bawah tu benda asas kan.kalau xde asas macam ne nak membesar.betul x?

ok..nak tau macam ne kita dah attain self-actualization and self-transcendence?
here I would like to jot down some of the characteristics of the person. please lend me your

for a while. evaluate yourself!

  • doesn't pay attention to be praised or promoted by others..consider only positive critiques(GOOD LISTENER)
  • honest & courageous
  • sense of humour
  • the need to give > take
  • live in inner peace and caring about others
  • cooperative and not competing others BUT compete him/her self
  • being problem-focused
  • incorporating an ongoing freshness of appreciation of life
  • a concern about personal growth(what I'm going to be in the next 10 years?)
  •  the ability to have peak experience

so, how? do you have all those characters?some?little?none?
do we actually living in a community?what's the role I've played being part of the community?
do I concern about others?

and to those who have studied this subject, I guess you guys understand this better. i'm just hoping that you're not only study them just to get high marks in not only be an exam-oriented student. it's pointless! 


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